Difference Between Await And Wait

Await and Wait are two words that are commonly used when discussing asynchronous programming. They can often cause confusion, however, as they are similar in both name and concept. To better understand the difference between Await and Wait, and when to use each, it is important to understand the context and purpose of each.

What is Asynchronous Programming?

Asynchronous programming is a form of programming that allows the programmer to execute tasks simultaneously, without waiting for a task to finish before starting another one. This is done by scheduling tasks that can be executed independently without disrupting the execution of other tasks. Asynchronous programming is particularly useful when dealing with tasks that require a lot of input/output operations, such as web requests or database queries.

What is Await?

Await is a keyword used in asynchronous programming that tells the program to wait for a given task or operation to finish before continuing execution. It suspends the current thread until the awaited task is completed. Await can be used with any asynchronous operation that returns a promise, such as an HTTP request or a database query.

What is Wait?

Wait is a method that is used to synchronously wait for a task or operation to complete before continuing execution. It will suspend the current thread until the awaited task is completed. Unlike Await, Wait can only be used with tasks that return a Task or Task object.

Difference Between Await and Wait

The main difference between Await and Wait is that Await can be used with any asynchronous operation that returns a promise, while Wait can only be used with tasks that return a Task or Task object. Additionally, Wait will block the current thread until the awaited task is completed, while Await will not.

When to Use Await?

Await should be used when dealing with asynchronous operations that return a promise. This includes operations such as HTTP requests, database queries, and any other operation that returns a promise. Await should not be used with operations that return a Task or Task object, as this will cause an error.

When to Use Wait?

Wait should be used when dealing with operations that return a Task or Task object. This includes operations such as starting a new thread, or any other operation that returns a Task or Task object. Wait should not be used with operations that return a promise, as this will cause an error.

Advantages of Await

The main advantage of Await is that it allows the programmer to easily manage asynchronous operations without blocking the current thread. This makes it much easier to write asynchronous code, as Await handles the waiting for the operation to finish before continuing execution.

Advantages of Wait

The main advantage of Wait is that it allows the programmer to synchronously wait for a task or operation to complete before continuing execution. This makes it much easier to write code that must wait for an operation to finish before continuing execution, as Wait will ensure that the current thread is blocked until the awaited task is completed.

Disadvantages of Await

The main disadvantage of Await is that it can cause performance issues if used incorrectly. If an operation returns a promise, but takes a long time to complete, Await will cause the current thread to be blocked until the promise is resolved. This can cause performance issues, as the thread will not be able to continue execution until the promise is resolved.

Disadvantages of Wait

The main disadvantage of Wait is that it can cause deadlocks if used incorrectly. If two or more threads are waiting for each other to finish an operation, they can cause a deadlock, as neither thread will be able to continue execution until the other thread has finished its operation.

Debugging Await and Wait

Debugging Await and Wait can be difficult, as it is often hard to tell which threads are blocked and which are not. To debug Await and Wait, it is important to use a debugger to inspect the current state of the threads and determine which threads are blocked and why.


Await and Wait are two keywords that are commonly used in asynchronous programming. While they are similar in name and concept, they are used for different purposes. Await is used with operations that return a promise, while Wait is used with operations that return a Task or Task object. It is important to understand the differences between these two keywords, as using the wrong one can cause performance issues or even deadlocks.

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