ApacheHttpClient (AWS SDK for Java

ApacheHttpClient (AWS SDK for Java - 2.25.33) All Implemented Interfaces: AutoCloseable, SdkHttpClient, SdkAutoCloseable An implementation of SdkHttpClient that uses Apache HTTP client to communicate with the service. This is the most powerful synchronous client that adds an extra dependency and additional startup latency in exchange for more functionality, like support for HTTP proxies.

See software.amazon.awssdk.http.urlconnection.UrlConnectionHttpClient for an alternative implementation.

This can be created via builder()

  • Field Details


      public static final String CLIENT_NAME See Also:
  • Method Details

    • builder

    • create

      Returns: an ApacheHttpClient
    • prepareRequest

      Specified by: prepareRequest in interface SdkHttpClient Parameters: request - Representation of an HTTP request. Returns: Task that can execute an HTTP request and can be aborted.
    • close

      public void close()

      Specified by: close in interface AutoCloseable Specified by: close in interface SdkAutoCloseable
    • clientName

      Each HTTP client implementation should return a well-formed client name that allows requests to be identifiable back to the client that made the request. The client name should include the backing implementation as well as the Sync or Async to identify the transmission type of the request. Client names should only include alphanumeric characters. Examples of well formed client names include, ApacheSync, for requests using Apache's synchronous http client or NettyNioAsync for Netty's asynchronous http client.

      Specified by: clientName in interface SdkHttpClient Returns: String containing the name of the client
