German NASCAR team to make cup debut in 2023

The premier stock racing series will welcome its first German NASCAR team in 2023 spring. 3F Racing team, owned by German racing entrepreneur Dennis Hirtz will run part-time during the 75th  anniversary season. They have secured a NASCAR license and have purchased the No. 30 entry for the coming season.

The team is registered as an American company. They are planning to hire a European crew to manage their No:30 team. The knowledge owner Hirtz has around the NASCAR hotbed Charlotte will also help the team. They plan to field part-time entries till 2025 and then go full-time next season.

Unlike many teams that start from the bottom and move their way up the NASCAR pyramid, 3F’s plan to begin directly up top comes with its struggles. They plan to overcome this with the support of sponsorship equity. Hirtz said, “3F Racing depends on sponsorship money, which is why we work hard to find good, reliable, and loyal partners to whom we can add value, of course,”.

“Also, we don’t want just to chase. Our goal is to develop steadily and become competitive quickly. That’s why we must allocate our resources well and make the right decisions. The plan is to build a classic NASCAR team and create a stable economic foundation. Furthermore, we want to stay in it for the long term,” Dennis Hirtz added.

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3F Racing has a technical alliance with NASCAR frontrunners RCR

The German outfit has signed a technical alliance deal with Richard Childress Racing. They have more access to the RCR team shop than just a technical alliance. Hirtz said, “We have a commitment from Richard Childress Racing, one of the most renowned teams in the NASCAR series, for an alliance. Importantly, it’s not just a technical alliance, but a close partnership that even gives us a production line for our car in the halls of RCR,”.

The team can also use the Chevy garage to source drivers for oval races. Hirtz added, “Thanks to the partnership with General Motors, we can draw on the Chevrolet driver pool. For the ovals, we want a driver who has learned the sport from scratch. For circuits, Europeans, maybe even a German driver, are also a consideration,”.

The team has already fielded stock cars in the USA. They competed in a late model race in Florence (S.C.) Motor Speedway. U.S. Marine Christopher Tate drove the car. They secured a P16 finish at the race. The debut came with an alliance with Orion Motorsports.

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